Working With Image & Enhancing Drugs (IPEDS)

Duration: 1 Day
Times: 9.30 am – 4.15 pm
DANOS Units: AA1, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, HSC33

Course Overview
Revised & updated, this course equips practitioners with the skills and knowledge to work effectively with people using Image & Performance Enhancing Drugs (IPEDs). There can be many challenges working with a group who, as the Drug Strategy recognises:

“Tend not to identify as drug users but put themselves at risk of a number of health harms including blood borne infections and significant cardiovascular problems, which are potentially life-threatening. In addition, the content of these substances is often unknown due to the increasing availability of mislabelled products that are being sold by a growing counterfeit market.”

Learning Objectives:
Understand some of the social context and history behind the rise in the use of IPEDs in the UK. Consider the motivation for use and desired effects of IPEDs commonly used in the UK. Increase the knowledge of unwanted and dangerous side effects of IPED use. Explore ways to work effectively with people using IPEDs. Develop the knowledge and skills to deliver effective harm reduction messages to people using IPEDs.

Working With Cannabis

Duration: 1 Day
Times: 9.30 am – 4.15 pm
DANOS Units: AA1, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, HSC33

Course Overview
This one day course provides a comprehensive overview of current issues relating to cannabis use in the U.K. Using the latest research the course examines the changing patterns of cannabis use, physical and mental health issues, as well as equipping participants with skills & interventions to reduce harm and for helping those who are cannabis dependent.The course is suitable for all staff who require up to date information on cannabis issues and how to work with clients who may be using. 

Learning objectives:
To explore the different forms of Cannabis currently in use. To examine the mechanisms of action of cannabis on the brain. To clarify the legal issues associated with cannabis use and supply – particularly on premises. To explore the possible links between the use of cannabis and the development of mental health problems for some users. To briefly explore the issues associated with the emergence of synthetic cannabinoid products such as ‘Spice’ To help delegates develop a clear understanding of how to most effectively assist those clients who wish to stop using cannabis.

Course Duration
The length of the course is usually 9.30 am to 4.15 pm but for those booking the course for in-house staff training the timings can be adapted to suit your particular needs and requirements. The ‘Stoned Again?’ course helps delegates develop their knowledge, skills and competence in the following DANOS units: AA1, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, HSC33.

Working With Stimulant Drugs

Duration: 1 Day
Times: 9.30 am – 4.15 pm
DANOS Units:  AA1,HSC233,HSC3111,AB2,HSC33, AD1,AB5 ,AG1, AG2

Course Overview
Stimulant drug use is widespread with the UK now leading Europe in its use of the use of powder cocaine. Anecdotal reports suggest the use of Crack may becoming more ‘ socially acceptable’ and there are now a myriad of different NPS type stimulant drugs in circulation. People using stimulant drugs may often not see drug treatment services as being attractive or relevant to their needs. This course aims to equip practitioners with the skills & knowledge to work effectively with people using stimulant drugs.

Increase knowledge and awareness of the issues relating to stimulant use.
Increase knowledge of how stimulants are used and the effects upon individual’s physiology and neurology. Understand the possible effects on health. Understand how specific interventions at relevant stages can increase engagement. Increase confidence * competence in working with this client group. Develop effective harm reduction interventions for people using stimulant drugs.

Understanding Dependency & Addiction

Duration: 1 Day
Times: 9.30 am – 4.15 pm
DANOS Units: AA1, HSC233, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, AD1, AD4

Course Overview
We use the most up to date research to explore the complex issue of addiction. We will explore the physiological, psychological, emotional and societal factors linked to the development of drug and alcohol dependency and other types of compulsive behaviours. The course is suitable for all staff who require a better understanding of how addiction & dependency can develop so that they can better support their service users.

Learning Objectives:
To develop a clear definition of addiction. To explore the difference between physical and psychological dependency. To examine the role that brain chemistry plays in the development of addiction. To identify some of the risk factors for addiction including genetic and environmental factors. To understand the psychology of the addictive process and reasons people may return to use. To explore the options for recovery and overcoming addiction.

The Toxic Trio

Duration: 1 Day
Times: 9.30 am – 4.15 pm
DANOS Units: AA1, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, HSC33

Course Overview

This course looks at the links between parental mental ill health, domestic violence & abuse and parental substance misuse, and will increase participants understanding of the impact of these factors on children in those families.

“We know there are families where substance misuse is just one of a number of other complex problems…Supporting vulnerable families to break intergenerational pathways to dependence is a part of our approach to prevent and reduce the demand for drugs and to help build recovery.” Drug Strategy 2017

Learning Objectives:
Understand the extent of the impact of the Toxic Trio on children. Explore own attitudes to domestic abuse, substance use and mental health. Discuss the relationship between domestic abuse, substance use and mental health Discuss the impact of these factors on parenting. Have an overview of possible interventions the might help families where one or more of these three factors are present. Reflect on own role in responding to the Toxic Trio issues.

Synthetic Cannabinoids (‘Spice’)

Duration: half day
Times: 9.30 am – 13:00pm
DANOS Units: AA1, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, HSC33

Course Overview
It sometimes seems like everyone is talking about Spice. Social media is full of videos of people thought to be under the influence of the drug and the media regularly carries stories about ‘Spice Zombies’. Join us on this brief half-day session and cut through the hysteria to find out what Spice is, how it’s used, who is using it and how we can help people. We look at Harm Reduction interventions and consider what drug treatment services and others can do.

This course is suitable for anyone whose work may bring them into contact with people using Spice. The content of this session has changed & evolved significantly as more information about SCRAs and their use is gained.

For participants to better develop their knowledge of ‘Spice’ – what is it & how is it
different from traditional herbal cannabis. Understanding Synthetic Cannabinoids Receptor Agonists (SCRAs) – risks, harms and harm reduction interventions. Explore currently used SCRAs and their impact on behaviour & mental health.

Responding To Substance Misuse Amongst Older People

Duration: 1 Day
Times: 9.30 am – 4.15 pm
DANOS Units: AA1, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, HSC33

Course Overview
With an ageing population accessing drug treatment services, often with complex & multiple needs, it is crucial that staff are appropriately trained to consider the issues related to substance misuse by an older person.

“The average age of people in treatment is increasing, with increasing proportions in their 40s, 50s and 60s. They need the usual health screening and monitoring that a non-drug user might be offered appropriate to their age and general health status, but they may also have special health needs due to the complications of long-term drug (and alcohol) use and of treatment.” Drug Strategy 2017

Learning Objectives:
Learn about the physical, psychological and social effects of drug & alcohol use in older people, with reference to chronic & life threatening conditions. Know the current guidance around safer alcohol use with specific reference to the guidance for over 65’s. Appraise own attitude towards drug & alcohol use. Learn the challenges of working with & raising the issue of substance use with older people. Discuss how to adapt IBA when working with older people. Know how to use the recommended screening tools with older people. Consider the range of appropriate support services for older people when offering brief advice. Demonstrate raising the issue of substance use and offering brief advice to support safer substance use amongst older people.

Reducing Drug Related Deaths

Duration: 1 Day
Times: 9.30 am – 4.15 pm
DANOS Units: AA1, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, HSC33

Course Overview

Drug Related Deaths (DRD’s) in the UK are at higher levels than ever before, with the UK now experiencing the highest rates of death in Europe amongst people who use drugs. The reduction of these drug related deaths is now a key target for drug treatment services. This course will equip practitioners with the skills and knowledge to recognise overdose risks, develop harm reduction strategies and interventions and offer practical advice as to how to discuss these risks with people using drugs.

Learning Objectives:
Understanding and defining what constitutes a Drug Related Death (DRD) and consider immediate, medium & long term DRD’s. Understand how commonly used substances can cause death, including stimulants, opiates, depressant & cannabinoids. Identify high risk groups and consider how to assess this risk. Understand the role & importance of supervised consumption for people prescribed methadone. Develop an understanding of the key strategic aims and documents related to DRD. Develop harm reduction messages and interventions for people using drugs and their immediate network. Reflect on practitioners role in addressing DRD’s.

Motivational Interviewing Skills For Supporting Change

Duration: 1 or 2 days
Times: 9.30 am – 4.15 pm
DANOS Units: AA1, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, HSC33

Course Aim
This one-day training session will introduce the principles and concepts underpinning Motivational Interviewing and allow participants to explore how they might use this in their work setting.

Learning objectives:

Explain the principles of Motivational Interviewing (MI).
Apply the theory & skills of MI in current practice.
Understand & demonstrate the spirit of MI.
Describe & demonstrate MI strategies.
Discuss the traps to avoid when using MI.
Feel more confident as a practitioner.

Pain killing: Understanding Depressant & Opiate Drug Use

Duration: 1 Day
Times: 9.30 am – 4.15 pm
DANOS Units: AA1, HSC233, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, AD1, AD4

Duration: 1 Day
Times: 9.30 am – 4.15 pm
DANOS Units: AA1, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, HSC33 

Course Overview
This course provides an overview of current issues relating to the use legal and illegal opiate & depressant drugs in the UK. Using the latest medical and social research the course examines the changing patterns of use, physical and mental health issues, as well as informing participants on recommended options for helping clients who are dependent on any type of painkiller including Over The Counter Painkillers. The course is suitable for all staff who require up to date information and advice on current issues relating to opiate use and how to work with clients who may be using them. 

Learning Objectives:
To explore the history, production and popularity of heroin synthetic opiates & depressant type drugs. To examine the mechanisms of action of opiates & Benzodiazapines on the brain.To clarify the legal issues associated with the use and supply of various opiates including online supply. To understanding how addiction can develop and be able to identify the signs of dependency. To explore the issues and dangers associated with the emergence of synthetic illicit opiates such as acetyl fentanyl and AH-792. To identify the reasons behind the growing problem of Over The Counter painkiller addiction. To help delegates develop a clear understanding of how to most effectively assist those clients who wish to stop using opiate or depressant drugs.

Responding To Drug Use In Housing & Hostel Projects

Duration: 1 Day
Times: 9.30 am – 4.15 pm
DANOS Units: AA1, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, HSC33

Course Overview
People working in housing projects will often be dealing with clients / tenants who are actively engaged in the use of substances . This one day course provides a comprehensive overview of current drug trends with a particular focus on working with clients / tenants who may be drug/alcohol dependent. This course will help staff identify particular substances and signs of drug use on the premises. The training also provides clear guidance on the law and managing drug related incidents, including responding to Overdose. The course is suitable for all housing staff who require up to date information on drug related issues.

Learning Objectives:
To explore current patterns of drug use and what factors may have led to them changing. To identify substances and signs related to their use. To gain an understanding of the nature of drug/alcohol addiction. To be aware of current legislation governing drug use on premises.To understand the good practice guidelines in managing drug related incidents. To identify signs & symptoms of overdose. To understand where further help, information and advice is available.

Course Duration
The length of the course is usually 9.30 am to 4.15 pm but timings can be adapted to suit your particular needs and requirements.
The ‘Drugs in Housing’ course helps delegates develop their knowledge, skills and competence in the following
DANOS units: AA1, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, HSC33

Drugs In Foster Care

Duration: 1 Day
Times: 10.00 am – 2.30 pm
DANOS Units: AA1, AB2, AD1, AB7, HSC335, HSC33

Course Overview
Foster carers will often be supporting children & young people who have experienced a range of difficulties in their lives. Some may be from homes and neighbourhoods where the regular use of drugs is normalised in their early lives.

This may affect their own attitudes towards substance use and lead them into early experimentation or more problematic use. This course provides a practical guide to foster carers and Social Workers on current drug trends and how to provide advice and support to young people in their care. The course is suitable for all foster carers and foster care staff who require up to date information on drugs and alcohol issues.

Learning Objectives: 

To explore how and why patterns of drug use are changing. To identify particular substances and signs of their use. To gain an understanding of the impact of parental drug misuse on their children. To clarify the legal position for foster carers with regard to drug use on their premises.To understand the good practice guidelines in relation to advising and supporting a young person who may be using drugs. To understand where further help, information and advice is available. Course duration: to make the course suitable for foster carers to attend the length of the course is usually 10.00 am to 2.15 pm but the timings can be adapted to suit your particular needs and requirements.

The ‘Drugs in Foster Care & course helps delegates develop their knowledge, skills and competence in the following DANOS units: AA1, AB2, AD1, AB7, HSC335, HSC33

CBT For Recovery

Duration: Two days
Times: 9.30 am – 13:00pm
DANOS Units: AA1, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, HSC33

For participants to be able to apply an understanding of cognitive behavioural theories to enhance their work with service users changing their substance use.

Learning Objectives:
Understand key principles & concepts underpinning a cognitive behavioural approach to psycho-social interventions.
Practice identifying links between events, cognitions, feelings & physiology.
Apply the laws of behaviourism to explain drug use.
Understand & be able to use contingency management approaches.
Apply cognitive theories to explain the development & maintenance of problematic substance use.
Demonstrate cognitive behavioural intervention strategies for supporting clients in changing their substance use.
Know about key CBT techniques such as structure, guiding discovery, scaling, use of metaphor, the between session task etc.
Know how to incorporate CBT into their everyday role.
Be a more confident, capable and empathetic practitioner.


Duration: One day
Times: 9.30 am – 13:00pm
DANOS Units: AA1, AB2, HSC335, HSC395, HSC33

This course is an updated version of our popular Working with New Psychoactive Substances course and offers participants an opportunity to explore the current situation with NPS type substances as well as other new developments related to current patterns of drug use. With the evidence showing that many young people are moving away from the use of NPS back to more traditional illicit drugs we continually update this session to ensure that participants get an up to date picture of the prevalence and use of NPS and other substances with a particular focus on recreational and party drugs.

Learning Objectives:
NPS; a brief background of the rise of NPS type drugs. NPS awareness; an opportunity to consider the different types of NPS and the effects, risks & harms. The Chemsex scene; an overview of links between drug use and sex within the LGBT community. E’s are good? The re-emergence of Ecstasy and ways to reduce harm. A micro dose of psychedelics; a brief look at the growing use of psychedelic drugs.